IT Transformation

Migration to Public Clouds. Statistics for 2023

2024-02-18 14:57
The migration to cloud computing has been a significant trend among companies seeking to enhance their IT infrastructure's efficiency, scalability, and flexibility. In 2023, the landscape of cloud computing saw notable shifts, particularly in the adoption of services from major providers such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS), as well as the implementation of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies.

Cloud Market Growth and Provider Adoption

The cloud computing market has continued its robust growth, with end-user public cloud spending reached $597.3 billion in 2023. Microsoft Azure has shown a significant uptick in its market share, capturing 23% of the global cloud market, marking a 2% increase over the previous year. This growth reflects Azure's increased usage and adoption by organizations, particularly those that classify themselves as 'light' or 'moderate' cloud users, favoring Azure slightly over AWS. Despite this, AWS remains the most popular cloud service, holding a 33% market share at the start of 2022, indicating its continued dominance in the sector​​.

Cloud Migration and Multi-Cloud Trends

A key trend in 2023 has been the diversification of cloud spending across different providers, with 89% of businesses reporting the use of multi-cloud solutions. This approach helps businesses avoid vendor lock-in and ensures they get the best value for their cloud investments. Specifically, 80% of organizations utilize hybrid clouds, combining public and private cloud environments to optimize their IT operations​​.
The adoption of cloud technologies has also been significant among small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), with 57% of SMB workloads and 56% of SMB data residing in public clouds by 2022. This trend is expected to continue, with an additional 6% of SMB workloads and data projected to move to the cloud within the next 12 months​​.

Cloud Technologies: Serverless, Containers, and Infrastructure as Code

Emerging cloud technologies such as serverless computing, containerization, and infrastructure as code (IaC) have gained traction. Serverless computing, where the cloud provider manages the infrastructure, allowing developers to focus solely on code, has seen continued adoption for its cost-efficiency and scalability. Similarly, container technologies like Kubernetes and Docker facilitate rapid deployment and scaling across cloud environments, with the container market expected to grow significantly. The adoption of IaC tools, such as Terraform, has also increased, enabling businesses to manage their cloud infrastructure more efficiently and consistently​​.

Cloud Security and Spend Management

Despite the numerous advantages of cloud migration, challenges remain. Cloud security has emerged as a primary concern for businesses, with 93% of companies identifying it as their top worry. Managing cloud spend has also become a critical challenge, especially given the current economic volatility, with organizations prioritizing cost optimization and efficient resource utilization​​​​.
In conclusion, the cloud computing landscape in 2023 has been characterized by significant growth in cloud spending, the strategic adoption of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud solutions, and an increased focus on emerging technologies such as serverless computing and containers. While challenges like security and spend management persist, the benefits of cloud adoption continue to drive its growth across various sectors.